Songs Of A Man Who Died Of Love

New Seeds For Earth

~ Poems 2013 ~

New Seeds For Earth is my voice once again – rising from the silence of several years where poetry did not rise from my soil. Now, after five years, it has risen again; as if watered by a new earth.

This new earth is the soil of Andalusia where I have been living for the past five years. And where, ironically, I wrote much – yet virtually no poetry. Perhaps I was too occupied in cultivating a new phase in my life. Whatever the reasons, new flowers with petals of words have bloomed from these stalk-fingers I write with.

The nectar of one’s mind is never dry so long as it remains connected – it is the bridge to the Real where the honey flows. The pollen we produce is but a product of a sweeter Truth…

The latest poems from an unpublished collection (2014)